Courageously reduce your taxes before the new year!

Courageously reduce your taxes before the new year!

Courage Campaign Institute exists because folks like you have the courage to care and to fight. We combine the voices of many, speaking truth to power with one voice and demanding bold leadership to solve our nation's challenges.

Your support is as crucial as ever as we go on OFFENSE to hold corporations accoutable and demand bold leadership to solve our state's and nation's challenges. If you make a tax-deductibe donation today, one of our biggest donors agreed to match your contribution dollar for dollar. So DONATE today and DOUBLE your impact!

Our tiny staff of eight -- working out of coffee shops and living rooms throughout California -- does INCREDIBLE things on a shoestring budget. But we cannot survive without financial support from members like you!

And if there's any chance you could make your donation to Courage on a monthly basis, we'll send you a Courage Campaign bumper sticker to display with pride. Our monthly donors are our lifeblood.

 $5  $50  $500
 $15  $100 Other $
 $25  $250

    Not ? Click here.


    Courage Campaign Institute exists because folks like you have the courage to care and to fight. We combine the voices of many, speaking truth to power with one voice and demanding bold leadership to solve our nation's challenges.

    Your support is as crucial as ever as we go on OFFENSE to hold corporations accoutable and demand bold leadership to solve our state's and nation's challenges. If you make a tax-deductibe donation today, one of our biggest donors agreed to match your contribution dollar for dollar. So DONATE today and DOUBLE your impact!

    Our tiny staff of eight -- working out of coffee shops and living rooms throughout California -- does INCREDIBLE things on a shoestring budget. But we cannot survive without financial support from members like you!

    And if there's any chance you could make your donation to Courage on a monthly basis, we'll send you a Courage Campaign bumper sticker to display with pride. Our monthly donors are our lifeblood.

    Privacy Policy (the basics): We do not share the information you've given us with unaffiliated groups without your explicit permission. For petitions, letters to the editor, and surveys you've signed or completed, we treat your name, city, state, and comments as public information. We will not make your street address publicly available, but we may transmit it to members of Congress, the President, or other targets specifically noted on the signup page. We will send you updates on this and other important campaigns by email. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so. For our complete privacy policy, click here.
    For our complete Terms of Service, click here.

    Created by Richir Outreach.