
We won! Prop 8's defenders tried again and again to make the case for discrimination in the courtroom and they failed -- at the district court, at the circuit court, and before the Supreme Court itself.

Prop 8 is history, as is DOMA, but the fight for equality is far from over. There are still 33 states where same-sex couples live without the relationship protections they deserve, and court challenges to marriage equality bans are being filed in states across the U.S.

As Prop8TrialTracker, we committed ourselves to being the best site for Prop 8 news. As EqualityOnTrial, we've expanded our goal to be the best place on the web to read about marriage equality news -- in the courts, in the states, and in Congress. With your help, has become a force for equality and a strong community.

But we can't keep it going without your immediate support. Will you contribute $25, $50, $100 -- or whatever you can afford -- to support Courage and ASAP?

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