Stand up to Big Oil -- Chip in to ban fracking in California!

Stand up to Big Oil -- Chip in to ban fracking in California!

This is a turning point in our campaign to end fracking in California and across the country. Support Courage Campaign today to let Governor Jerry Brown know that we demand real leadership on climate change.

When we bookend the country with fracking bans, we will prove that Big Oil and its lobbyists can be defeated, even in the country's third biggest oil producing state: California. Fracking is contaminating our water, destroying our communities and our natural resources, and California will be the tipping point as we fight to end it nationwide.

Help us make 2015 the year we ban fracking in California! Chip in just $5 or more today.


 $5  $25  $250
 $10  $50 Other $
 $15  $100

    Not ? Click here.


    This is a turning point in our campaign to end fracking in California and across the country. Support Courage Campaign today to let Governor Jerry Brown know that we demand real leadership on climate change.

    When we bookend the country with fracking bans, we will prove that Big Oil and its lobbyists can be defeated, even in the country's third biggest oil producing state: California. Fracking is contaminating our water, destroying our communities and our natural resources, and California will be the tipping point as we fight to end it nationwide.

    Help us make 2015 the year we ban fracking in California! Chip in just $5 or more today.

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