Defend the Decision: Help us win the Prop 8 case at the Supreme Court!

Defend the Decision: Help us win the Prop 8 case at the Supreme Court!

The Supreme Court announced it will consider whether Prop 8 -- and possibly a ban on same-sex marriage in other states -- is constitutional. If we win, it will be one for the history books. If we lose... well, we can't afford a loss.

Can you help us raise $25,000 $30,000 IMMEDIATELY to defend the 9th Circuit's decision ruling Prop 8 unconstitutional? This is the trial of the century, now playing in the big leagues, and we need to leave it all on the field.

What will we spend your contribution on? Legal experts all say the courts follow public opinion. That's why we're raising $15,000 to do our part in this case: educating the Supreme Court, changing hearts and minds so a larger majority of Americans support marriage equality, and moving stories into the media and public sphere that show how important marriage equality is to same-sex couples.

Now we need your support more than ever to win, and win big. Oral arguments are in the spring of 2013 but we need to get to work immediately. Please, contribute now!

    Not ? Click here.

     $25  $250  $2000
     $50  $500 Other $
     $100  $1000



    The Supreme Court announced it will consider whether Prop 8 -- and possibly a ban on same-sex marriage in other states -- is constitutional. If we win, it will be one for the history books. If we lose... well, we can't afford a loss.

    Can you help us raise $25,000 $30,000 IMMEDIATELY to defend the 9th Circuit's decision ruling Prop 8 unconstitutional? This is the trial of the century, now playing in the big leagues, and we need to leave it all on the field.

    What will we spend your contribution on? Legal experts all say the courts follow public opinion. That's why we're raising $15,000 to do our part in this case: educating the Supreme Court, changing hearts and minds so a larger majority of Americans support marriage equality, and moving stories into the media and public sphere that show how important marriage equality is to same-sex couples.

    Now we need your support more than ever to win, and win big. Oral arguments are in the spring of 2013 but we need to get to work immediately. Please, contribute now!

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